Four steps to a calmer morning


Mornings can make or break the day ahead. And especially when you’re burned out (or even slightly smoldering), just getting out of bed may be the hardest thing to do. Starting the day with these four questions can help.

What am I grateful for? A wealth of research that tells us that gratitude can be transformational for our health, wellbeing and happiness in the short and long term. Write down 2-3 things that you are already grateful for within the first few minutes of waking up. Whether it’s as simple as the coffee in your hand or as deep as your health and relationships, you’re starting your day with a “how lucky am I?” mindset.

What is my intention? This is bigger than tasks or achievements - it’s about how you want to feel and, well, “be” throughout your day. Once you declare this you’ll find yourself looking for opportunities to make it happen.

Give yourself a Mad Lib: Today I want to be ____________________. Answers might look something like:

  • Energetic

  • Thinking of the big picture

  • Calm even in chaos

  • Creative and optimistic

What most needs my attention and focus? This should be a very short list that truly prioritizes your focus for the day. If you find yourself with three pages of tasks, here’s a re-frame: If I only could make progress on 2 things today, what would those be?

What support do I need? Look over your goals and intention. What is going to help you make these things happen? If your first response is “a million dollars and a live-in nanny” - don’t let yourself off the hook. Small things make a big difference - a quick phone call with a supportive friend, a check in meeting with your manager to clarify a task, lunch outside in the sun, or time to exercise. Write it down and schedule it.

Ten minutes, half a page in your notebook, and you’ve a) already accomplished something - yeah you! and b) set yourself on a more positive path for the day.

Christy Mihina